May 24Liked by Valley Haggard

Three things:

1) I was diagnosed in my FIFTIES and a lot of things suddenly made sense to me.

2) When my therapist suggested an ADHD coach I snarled that I didn't know why I had to be so goddamned special that it took an entire team of specialists to get me through an average day

3) I was so eager to comment that I clicked your substack link immediately and it unchecked all of the spam Gmail that I had meticulously checked to delete and I had to go back and do it over so maybe I do need a team of specialists

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AND the fact that it's taken me a week to respond to you certainly says something.

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May 24Liked by Valley Haggard

Have you seen/heard of the documentary “disruptors”? It’s on prime and sooooo good regarding adhd... treats it like a superpower- which I totally agree. It really helped me to see things properly and not my preconceived notions of adhd (which they agree in the documentary is terrible name for it)... I love this piece! Thank you for sharing

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Clearly I have to watch this...thank you SO MUCH, Taylor! I HATE the name ADHD too...ugh. I love you.

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May 24Liked by Valley Haggard

AMEN Sister! We are “not wrongs to be righted” ! 🫶

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RIGHT??!! Love you, Didi!!

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